We all know that laughter is therapeutic, reduces stress, strengthens your immune system, makes you live longer, increases your intelligence, etc. So I guess that makes the 99 cent iFart application an amazing value, therapeutically speaking of course.
Yesterday they came out with an update, version 1.1, which includes new features like Record-A-Fart and Fart-A-Friend! What an exciting age we live in.
I’m not a twelve year old boy, but I bought and I love iFart. I was talking on the phone with a friend about it, and I could just tell she was rolling her eyes when she said, “Uh, I don’t think I’ll be getting that.”
I just did a little sneak attack on my next door neighbor, a sweet old lady in her late eighties, and she seemed to get a kick out of it. That alone was worth the price.

The fact that I find most fascinating, really more like inspiring, is that the developer, Joel Comm, took in $40,000 in 48 hours over the holidays selling his playfully offensive, yet harmless application. I mean really, at 99 cents you can’t afford NOT to get it. That’s what over 40,000 people must have thought anyway, as they downloaded iFart on December 24th and 25th of last year.
iFart, you can’t help but like ifart the sound of it.
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